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Conjoint Analysis B2C and B2B Consumer Studies

Perhaps the fundamental question in marketing research is “Why are buyers purchasing specific brands?” And it is easy to see that the related new-product question is “What set of features would lead to the greatest profitability if this product were introduced into the market?”

Applied uses a variety of techniques, such as our version of conjoint analysis, AppliedChoice ™, to study buyer choice.

Examples: AppliedChoice ™ is a method for determining the impact of product features on buyer choice, and then using that information to run simulations comparing share-of-preference among competing products. We have used AppliedChoice ™ to help clients in widely diverse industries understand, for example, how household consumers will react to a new recycling program, how to design an employee-benefits program that saves money while maintaining high levels of employee satisfaction, and assessing which aspect of industrial filter bags represent the greatest value to buyers.